
Use Quicki to bring your GitHub Gist to life.

Don Charlton avatar
Written by Don Charlton
Updated over a week ago

Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub — the world’s largest and most advanced development platform. Team members can work on files and merge changes in their projects, but we all know how difficult it is to find time to work synchronously on a project.

With Quicki's integration, you can provide context to your project and easily communicate your piece of the project asynchronously. The amount of time this will save your teams will be game-changing!

To integrate with Github, copy your public link from your GitHub Gist into the GitHub widget link in you video message.

Then click 'Save Link'.

Your code will render below the video and now you are all set to share!

If you decide you'd like to remove the Github content, just click the three dots.

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