
Use Quicki to bring your designs to life.

Don Charlton avatar
Written by Don Charlton
Updated over a week ago

The design process often requires a lot of back and forth communication to conceive, review, and approve creative work. Sometimes it can be challenging to explain or give feedback on a concept through text because the words you use to discuss design come to you as organically as the design itself.

Quicki makes it easy to attach your Figma designs directly to a video message and combines your creative use of Figma with a definitive explanation of your design.

Whether you’re sharing early sketches, discussing revisions, or presenting final designs, our Figma integration helps you clearly articulate your creative thinking.

To add a Figma design to your Vmail, copy your share link from your Figma account into the Figma widget link in your video message.

Then click 'Save Link'.

Your design will then render below your video.

If you decide later that you don’t want to use the widget you added, simply click the three dots to remove this widget from your message.

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