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Why can I only upload a video and not record one?
Why can I only upload a video and not record one?

Are you running into issues with recording your video, voice, or screen? Follow these steps to fix some common errors.

Don Charlton avatar
Written by Don Charlton
Updated over a week ago

Are you running into issues with recording your video, voice, or screen? Follow these steps to fix some common errors.

1. Check Your Web Browser: When using Quicki, please make sure you are using a supported web browser. Currently, Quicki operates best on Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

If you are using Safari on a desktop or laptop, you will not be able to use your webcam to create videos; you can only upload previously recorded videos. If you are on your mobile device, Safari will allow you to upload or record a video.

We recommend using one of the three suggested browsers for the best experience!

2. Make Sure Your Camera is Working: Check your camera and video on another app on your computer (e.g., Zoom, Teams, Camera app).

3. Restart Your Computer: If your camera is not working, we recommend restarting your computer.

Still running into the same issue? Send us a message, and we will help!

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